Change Android App Background (CM10 / CM11)

Change Holo Dark or Holo Light background in CM11.

Requirements -

  • A CM 11 or CM 10 ROM
  • Framework-res.apk of the ROM
  • Apk Tool - Get It

To Change Holo Dark Background

1st Step -

Decompile 'framework-res.apk'
Open 'res\drawable\background_holo_dark.xml'

2nd Step -

you can see this line in 'background_holo_dark.xml' file
<gradient android:startColor="#ff000000" android:endColor="#ff272d33" android:angle="270.0" />
In that line

This is the color in the top of the background


This is the color in the bottom of the background


So you can change the hex color code to change the gradient background. To get some color codesClick Here

To Change Holo Light Background

1st Step -

Decompile 'framework-res.apk'
Open 'res\drawable\background_holo_light.xml'

2nd Step -

Follow Previous Method

So you can change the hex color code to change the gradient background. To get some color codesClick Here

Attention - Don't use too light colors in dark background and too dark colors in light background. It will make text unclear.